الاثنين، 17 أكتوبر 2022

يوم المدير العالمي

 بمناسبة يوم المدير العالمي 

وبما انى بقالى 4-5سنين بلعب ف منطقة الإداره وسطى (فوقى مدير أو رئيس مجلس ادارة وتحتى تيم مسئوله عنه) ف انا باخد مزايا ومساؤي الـ2 مع بعض المدير والموظف 😅

لكن أقدر أضم صوتى للاصدقاء وأأكد انه مفيش موظف فاشل لكن فيه مدير فاشل، المدير هو اللي يقدر طلع أحسن شغل من الناس اللي معاه او العكس 

عشان كده أحب أقولك أشتغل مع مدير:

- بيدور ويحافظ علي الكوادر الكويسة ويعلمهم ويكبرهم مش واخدهم حق مكتسب لاجل مسمي

- بيحترم موظفيه بجد، مش بيعتبرهم اعداء محتملين، الانسانيات مطلوبة في الشغل 

- بيشتغل وبيتعلم وبيطور نفسه وايده قبل ايدك ف كل حاجه، مش بياخد اللقطة ويجري

- عنده خطط واضحه وبيحاسب بـ KPIs مش اللى ماتعرفش هو مستنى ايه منك

- اللى بيتشغل مع تيم مترابط، مش ماشى فرق تسد عشان محدش يتفق عليه 

- اللى بيحترم وقتك الخاص اللى بتسترد فيه طاقتك عشان تكمل شغل، مش اللى بيعتبرك عبد ولو ما اشتغلتش 25 ساعه ف اليوم يتقمص 

- اللى ما بيفرقش معاه مدح او ذم، لانه واثق فى مهاراته وامكانياته ولان مصدر قراراته من عقله والمصالح العامه مش الخاصة

يمكن انا لسه ماقابلتش هذا المدير العظيم، يمكن مش عارفه اكون هذا المدير العظيم .. لكن ادينا بنحاول

Happy person

This is an interview with Maha El-Khadrawy about Happiness 


Are you a happy person?

I think I`m a happy person, it is not easy to do, but I`m

I have a stable job, a lovely family, and enough money to live...

I enjoy my life, I can do what I need when I need to do it...

To be honest, I`m satisfied with my life.

What is happiness for you?

Happiness for me equals satisfaction, when I feel I`m satisfied, I feel I`m happy

What makes you happy?

How to reach happiness, and How to not lose it?

There are a lot of things that make me happy, honestly small things make me satisfied like:

- a cup of Fruit after a hot day 

- When I go to bed after a long day 

- When I finish some interesting work 

- When I learn something New 

- When I Try some new things like travel or visiting new places

- When I achieve something new in my work 

- when I get appreciation from others 

a lot of this maintains my happiness 

Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things?

Yes, I think I have happiness inside me, I can`t depend on other people or things to have happiness 

I think happiness is not a direct goal, but we can achieve happiness by achieving other goals, 

my direct goal is to achieve satisfaction 

Can death make us happy?

Maybe, Why not, we don`t know anything about what we will face after death

I think it`ll e good for those who suffer, for those who make many crimes.. but as a human I belive no thing about death will make us happy 

What do you think is the colour of happiness?

I think it has to be multicolour like a rainbow

Can money buy happiness?

Yes, of course, With money, we can buy anything you need, or just think about 

We can get high-quality medical services or go to beauty salons... 

We can`t buy the feeling, but we can buy many things that will affect our feelings 

Is happiness a state of mind?

Yes, it`s depended on what we feel, what we think about, and what we do already at this time

you can go to Condolences but you feel happy & vice versa, you can go to some where with your friends & fell you are a lone & sad 

What makes you feel happy?

the feeling of achievement, however, what I want, when i get it I feel Happy

What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

Stable Job- Strong Family- Something to look forward to- some time for myself 

Is happiness relative, that is, does it have a different meaning for each person?

Sure, it`s depended on our History, our Ideas, our Opinions in life, our feeling at this moment... a lot of things 

Are single people happy?

For me, I feel that I have more power & freedom when I was single than when I was engaged 

So, Yes, Single people have a lot of things to do, have time & space to do anything at any time, they don`t have the responsibility issues 

Would you be happier with a soul mate or single?

If I met my soul mate, Sure I`ll be happy, but I`m single Now and also happy... it`s me Regardless anyone else 

What effect do animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy?

a lot of people like animals/ pets but I don`t 

in my home, we have 2 cats, and sometimes I give them food in the morning, sometimes I play with them or just take a break behind them, and sometimes I feel the love, But I don`t like the responsibility 

When was the happiest time of your childhood?

When I go to the park with my family (Dad, Mam, and brother) and with our friends in Saudia 

We made a barbecue party and play in the garden and had a very quality time 

Can you be happy if you are rich?

Yes, If I can get anything I need, why I didn`t get happiness

but I think being rich will equal a lot of responsibility, if it doesn't, I`ll e happy

Can you be happy if you are poor…

I think, If I have enough love & peace in my live I`ll 

I don`t like to be poor, but also I don`t like to be unhappy 




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